
Ownership Vs Rental: Calculating Boat Costs

Calculating the costs of boat ownership vs rental each present viable options depending on: your individual budget, the amount of time dedicated to spending on the water, and the type of watercraft you are interested in. To put this in layman’s terms, the end must...

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When Is The Best Time To Winterize Your Boat?

Shorter days and cooler nights are the tell-tale signs that summer boating season is winding down. Fall will soon be upon us, in all its colorful splendor, as the winter months are quickly approaching us. However, nestled among the tall cliffs, Lake Travis is one of...

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How To Properly Change a Boat’s Oil

Properly changing your boat’s oil and filter should ideally be done every 100 hours of runtime. However, it’s most likely the single boat maintenance chore that gets neglected by far. That’s inevitably because it's a dirty job that seems too complicated. Especially if...

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5 Texas Boating Laws You Need to Know

Owning or renting a boat can create some of the greatest fond memories that one could ever experience in their lifetime. However, it’s not without taking serious responsibility for yourself and passengers, the watercraft and fellow boaters, and the effects your...

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Storing Your Boat After a Day on the Lake

10 Step Checklist How to Store Your Boat After a Day on the Lake (Because new boaters and even seasoned pros sometimes need a friendly reminder) 1. Pumpout Pumping out your boat’s holding tank should be done every time you put your boat up after a day on the lake....

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