VIP Marina Lake Travis

Why a Party Barge is the Best Employee Appreciation Day Event

Mar 13, 2018 | Watercraft & Boat Rentals | 0 comments

Bahama Mama VIP Lake Travis party barge

Today more than ever, corporate America has had to become increasingly competitive to achieve top annual sales goals, lower employee turnover and create the next brainchild idea. But with slumped morale, long hours and the need for increased specialized training, American employees desire more from their employers in the way of incentives.

Those mundane luncheons and pizza parties, company discount spiffs and techy raffle prizes are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Employees want to be proud of where they work and what they do, and break the boundaries of potential, which is why a party barge rental is the perfect way to celebrate an employee appreciation day.

Redefining The Gold Standard

Many employers offer company picnics, barbecues, parties or even bonus programs on an annual basis. While these are all great ideas, they can frequently cost more in time, promotions, materials, spiffs and space rental than what it’s worth. Moreso, overworked employees struggling to make ends meet and stay healthy would sooner stay home with their families or need to work a second – often third – job than attend a company function.

It’s clear to see, corporate America should think outside the box in order to step up their employee appreciation game. Party barge rentals offer just the right balance of versatile fun, affordability, and easy minimum planning. VIP Marina provides the gold standard other venues don’t including:

  • Fuel

  • Water toys

  • Two ice chests

  • Grills and propane

  • Comfortable seating

  • Crew member charges

  • Safety gear for all 90 guests

  • Incredibly fast fun slide

  • Two outboard protected engines

Additional lake toy rentals available!

Celebrating auspicious annual goals like improved P&L margins, expansion and successful marketing of new product ideas is a great way to start the new fiscal year and only one of many reasons to hold an Employee Appreciation Day event. Stimulating teamwork is a tireless effort in the workforce, but result in massive profits. When your employees feel inspired to work together, company goals and profits are able to reach landmark heights. Additionally, promoting healthy lifestyles and workforce safety inevitably means reductions in both the cost of health insurance and workers compensation insurance premiums – saving everyone money.

Moral Of The Story…

When you want to give your employees an incentive to break sales records, celebrate company goals and reward those iconic new innovations – rent a VIP Marina party barge. The benefits are unmistakable and rewarding in themselves.

  • Burns off employee stress

  • Rewards enthusiastic interaction between employees

  • Inspires company growth and professional development

  • Provides an ideal way for new employees to mingle and bond

  • Clears clouded stressed-out minds maximizing corporate think tank ideas

  • Rewards employee participation in company functions for a stronger morale

  • Revitalizes employee partnerships toward common company goals

  • Gives a supportive message to employees that their efforts are appreciated

  • Congregates employees on a personal level to better identify and support each other

Reserve Your Company Party Barge Now!


Remember: Keeping up positive employee morale is step one to motivational success!

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